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Japanese Shrine Gate

Texas Shotokan Karate Association


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Dojo History

Texas Shotokan Karate Association テキスト松濤館空手協会 was established in July 1986 in Waco, Texas by James Melton 師範, 日本空手協会の六段。Kendrick Chumak 先生 reestablished the dojo in July 2021 in Allen, Texas.

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Why train with us?  

People train for many different reasons. The most common being for exercise and the improvement of health, interest in Japanese culture, and of course to learn self-defense. Unfortunately traditional karate instruction outside of Okinawa tends to focus on form over function and like many other martial arts overly emphasizes sports competition. Today many dojos even brag about practicing "sports karate" which in itself is a misnomer because karate was never intended to be a sport. 試合 "shiai" (matches or duels) can be an aid to guide training and test skills and abilities but should never be the end goal. That is why our focus is on 武道 "budo" (a warrior mindset). 道 "-do" (the way) is a challenging path and is not for everyone but one which comes with unimaginable rewards which are never given, but earned through blood, sweat, and tears. This is why we encourage all prospective students to visit and observe other dojos before training with us.

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meet the staff


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Intermediate Course Instructor

John Bell

John Sensei has been training for 40 years and has competed at the National Level.  He is a lecturer at the University of Texas at Dallas providing college level instruction in Shotokan Karate and holds qualifications as  a Rokudan, Class A Coach, Class A Judge, and Class B Examiner through the International Traditional Karate Federation.  John Sensei teaches the Intermediate Training Course (7th Kyu-1st Kyu Ranks)

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Chief Instructor

Kendrick Chumak

Ken Sensei has been training for 38 years, is a former US National Champion and former member of the US National Team.  Additionally, he lived and trained in Okinawa, Japan for 7 years and is a Godan, Level C Instructor, Level D Examiner, and Level D Judge through the Japan Karate Association.

Beginner Course Instructor

John Reyes

John Sensei is a Sandan and Level D Instructor through the Japan Karate Association.  John Sensei teaches the Beginner Training Course (10th-8th Kyu Ranks)

Water Shrine Landscape

Texas Shotokan Karate Association

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our programs, please contact us using the information below.


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